August 9, 2011

20 Days

20 days of freedom left.
17 days of work.
14 days of teaching.
5 days till my brothers leave.
3 more days of Sunday break.
1 day that I'm enjoying now.
Dear God, Thank you for this glorious day!
Help me to take life one day at a time.
When problems come my way,
remind me that YOU are in control!
For "we know that God causes all things to work together
for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28

August 6, 2011


This is classic me, doing weird things to make myself laugh  =)

Yes, I did in fact buy books.  I spent over $500.00 on books. 

 I now fully comprehend the term "starving college student."

Anybody want to guess how much time I spent making this video?

August 5, 2011

Day One

Greetings fellow earthlings!  I hear-by welcome you to my humble blog. 

I have nothing profound to say. 
Nothing remarkable to tell you. 
Nothing phenomenal to relate. 
Nothing sensational to converse about. 

 Am I repetitive?  Yes, but only when I want to reiterate that I am simply blogging about my simple life.  Simply said: I'm just gonna have fun with this.

So please sit back, drink some coffee and I hope you enjoy these little snippets of my life.

Read on dear reader, read on.